Kevin Bogatin
FEB 09, 2021
February 8, 2020
Dear NBSD Community:
I am elated that today marks the expansion of our in-person instruction to include 4th, 5th, & 6th grades. This week, we are also expanding our in-person sports and activities to include high school football and middle school cross-country. These are exciting milestones.
We acknowledge Coos County numbers of COVID-19 positive cases may continue to rise. A limited number of these situations have affected some North Bend students:
- Two football players tested positive. - An elementary student was part of a bus cohort that was required to quarantine.
Individuals and families associated with the events mentioned above have been identified and contacted by Coos Health and Wellness or NBSD personnel. Those involved are taking the additional recommended precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The North Bend School District is following COVID-19 case metrics daily, and we are continuing to work in partnership with Coos Health & Wellness to guide our response.
Our goal is to provide the safest, most enriching learning environment for your students. I believe that for most students and staff, that is in-person.
Our schools have not been a source of super-spreader events, and students have not been the majority of original virus transmission. Following strict guidelines and safety protocols, I am confident we will be able to return students to the classroom along the following projected schedule:
- Grades 7th and 8th will return on Monday, February 22nd. - High School, grades 9-12 will return on Monday, March 1st.
More vaccination is reaching our community members. Other treatments are evolving to reduce the severity and spread of the virus.
Again, Public Health does not recommend COVID-19 testing for children not experiencing symptoms. Your support in following ODE and OHA guidelines is appreciated: Maintain 6 foot social distance. Wear a mask. Wash your hands frequently. Together we can slow the spread of the virus and help keep our community safe.
If you have further questions, please contact your school office or you can reach me at
Kevin Bogatin