North Bend School District
MAY 20, 2021
Congratulations to Jennifer Hampel!
South Coast Education Service District's
Regional Teacher of the Year!
The critical role of teachers has become especially evident as schools have responded to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers have stepped up in countless, innovative ways to ensure students are safe, healthy and engaged to reach their full potential, making this a fitting opportunity to recognize the excellence of Regional Teachers of Year throughout the state!
Our very own North Bend High School science teacher, Jennifer Hampel, has been named South Coast Education Service District'’s 2022 Regional Teacher of the Year! Jennifer
wins a $500 cash prize and is in the running for Oregon’s 2022 Teacher of the Year – announced later this fall. Principal Darell Johnston says, "Mrs. Hample has developed unique curriculum to take students into the unwalled classroom of our own forests and wetlands for her Coastal Ecology class and has developed career pathways in health sciences that has exposed hundreds of students to careers in the health industry and fast tracked their Health Sciences college experience."
Regional Teachers of the Year are nominated by students, colleagues, administrators, friends or family members to apply for the award, and are selected by a diverse panel of regional representatives. Later this fall, one of the Regional Teachers of the Year will be named the 2022 Oregon Teacher of the Year. "Mrs. Hampel is an outstanding teacher who demonstrates a commitment to students and engages them with hands-on, engaging learning experiences. This honor is well deserved and our school community could't be more proud." said Superintendent Kevin Bogatin.