COVID-19 UPDATE 5-24-2021

North Bend School District
MAY 24, 2021
Dear Staff and Families of North Bend School District,
Last week we were notified by our district nurses regarding two positive cases of COVID-19:
There was a positive COVID-19 staff member at North Bay Elementary School. This has impacted eleven students and five staff in the school district. Families of the children involved have been contacted by North Bend School District staff or CH&W. Staff members directly impacted have also been contacted.
A North Bend High School student was symptomatic and tested positive. The student was isolated and picked up. Coos Health & Wellness investigated and has had initial contact with the family.
As part of this public health investigation:
The positive North Bay Elementary School employee is being kept home until they are safe to return.
The students and staff who were potential close contacts of the employee and the student with COVID-19 have been instructed to quarantine.
The positive students at NBHS and NBMS have been quarantined and isolated. The known close contacts have been contacted and quarantined. Students riding on the bus with the infected student have been quarantined.
Again, the students and staff known to have close contact with the positive employee have been notified and instructed to quarantine.
If you have not been contacted, we do not believe your child was in close contact with anyone with COVID-19.
Thank you for your ongoing work to follow our mask requirements, physical distancing, and frequent hand washing and sanitizing. Students and staff at all levels have done an amazing job at following these guidelines and we are grateful for your efforts! Keep it up! Together we will get through this!
If you have further questions, please contact your school office or you can reach me at
Kevin Bogatin