COVID-19 UPDATE 6-9-21

JUN 09, 2021
June 9th, 2021
Dear Staff and Families of North Bend School District,
Our county case count has trended down and moved us from Moderate to Low-risk, but COVID-19 hasn't completely disappeared. Last night we were notified of a positive case.
- There was a positive COVID-19 student at North Bend Middle School. This has impacted AM Bus X and one student at North Bay. Families of the children involved have been contacted by North Bend School District staff. Coos Health & Wellness is investigating. Staff members directly impacted have also been contacted.
- The AM Bus X cohort is quarantined through June 13th. If asymptomatic, those students will be able to return June 14th-16th, (AM has no school Monday, the 14th) and participate in the end of the school year events. There is no impact, and no quarantine, on the PM Bus X cohort.
- Coos Health & Wellness’ new quarantine policy began last night. Positive COVID cases are quarantined 10 days from the first day of symptoms, and until symptom-free. Bus or classroom close contacts are quarantined 10 days from the day of exposure. Family members in shared living quarters are quarantined 20 days from the day of exposure.
- No Seniors were identified as close contacts and all eligible for graduation will be allowed to participate in Graduation. All quarantined 8th Graders who remain asymptomatic will be able to return for the 8th Grade end of year celebration.
As part of this public health investigation:
- The students and staff who were potential close contacts of the student with COVID-19 have been instructed to quarantine unless fully vaccinated.
- The positive student at NBMS has been quarantined and isolated. The known close contacts have been contacted and quarantined. Students riding on the bus with the infected student have been quarantined.
Again, the students and staff known to have close contact with the positive student have been notified and instructed to quarantine unless fully vaccinated.
If you have not been contacted, we do not believe your child was in close contact with anyone with COVID-19.
Thank you for your ongoing work to follow our mask requirements, physical distancing, and frequent hand washing and sanitizing. Students and staff at all levels have done an amazing job at following these guidelines and we are grateful for your efforts! Keep it up! Together we will get through this!
If you have further questions, please contact your school office or you can reach me at
Kevin Bogatin