North Bend School District
SEP 08, 2021
Dear Staff and Families of North Bend School District,
We are excited to welcome back all of our students this week as we return to school for full-time, in-person learning! We are already using the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in school settings. Because schools are controlled settings, with layered mitigation safety protocols in place, the risk of COVID-19 transmission can be lower than in the general community in settings without such protocols in place.
Despite all of the precautions we have taken, we have already seen instances of positive COVID cases that have affected all 4 of our schools. With each case we are following proper protocol for notification and quarantine as recommended by Coos Health & Wellness. During this time, our community must prioritize the safety protocols needed to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and help schools stay open.
For families with kids heading back to the classroom, the Oregon Department of Education has released the following five straightforward back-to-school tips:
- Make a plan to vaccinate all eligible household members
- Wear a face covering in public and in carpools
- Limit gatherings with other households
- Move any social activities outside
- Make a plan in case your child needs to miss school
Thank you for doing your part to ensure our children have consistent access to in-person learning this fall. If you have further questions, please contact your school office or you can reach me at kbogatin@nbend.k12.or.us.
Kevin Bogatin