COVID UPDATE 9-13-2021

Jason Moore
SEP 13, 2021
Dear Staff and Families of North Bend School District,
This morning we were notified that one of our varsity football players has tested positive for Covid-19. The player traveled with the team, played in the game, and had physical contact with a number of players from both our school and our opponents’ school. Our player had no symptoms until Saturday, so he was symptom free before, during and after the game on Friday.
Coos Health & Wellness has been contacted and they have begun the process of contacting individuals that we cannot eliminate having had contact with the infected athlete. OHA guidelines say that any physical contact (touching during a play, being a part of a tackle or a high-5) requires anyone that is not vaccinated to quarantine for 10 days from the last contact they had with the infected player. Coos Health & Wellness along with school officials will be reviewing our roster to determine who needs to quarantine. Because there are a large number of individuals on our varsity football team, the process of determining who was in close contact and who was not will take some time.
Those contacts will be required to quarantine unless they meet one of the following criteria:
They have been fully vaccinated (recommended number of doses of specific vaccine plus two weeks).
They were COVID positive within the last 90 days (secondary immunity).
They did not have close or physical contact with the athlete on September 9th or 10th.
If team members and staff are fully vaccinated and show no symptoms, they are not required to quarantine and may return to both practice and school once their vaccination status has been verified.
As you can see, having even one infected athlete is going to have a huge impact on teams this year. Being fully vaccinated may lessen the chance that students will become seriously ill with COVID, or require hospitalization.
Please know that our number one concern is your child’s safety. Unfortunately, our game this Friday night against Marshfield has been cancelled.
If you have further questions, please contact your school office or you can reach me at
Kevin Bogatin Superintendent