Jason Moore
NOV 30, 2021
NBSD Staff and Families,
I am thankful that the fall of 2021 has seen a return to full-day in-person instruction and athletics and activities available for our students. We are also reminded daily that this pandemic isn’t over and it continues to wear on students and staff.
North Bend School District prioritizes student learning time, but our teachers and staff are struggling to find the time to plan, attend trainings, and review data/plans necessary to maintain a safe learning environment. The district, in cooperation with our teachers, staff, and administration are proposing the following:
Move our early release day from Wednesdays to Fridays when we return from winter break. The move to Fridays will help address the impact winter/spring extracurricular activities have on classroom coverage and will help alleviate current substitute shortages, as well as align schedules with other schools in our community. (Effective Friday, January 7, 2022)
Extend the 1 hour early release to 2 hours early release. (Effective Friday, January 7, 2022)
Change the following school calendar days from a student contact day to a teacher workday. This means students will have the day off, while school staff have a work day and are able to use the time for planning, prep and professional development. The affected days would be:
Friday, January 28, 2022 (*Replaces Jan.24 K-5 Grading Day - 1/24/22 would return to a normal school day for K-12)
Friday, February 11, 2022
Friday, March 4, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022 and
Friday, May 20, 2022
** The district has contacted the Boys & Girls Club of Southwestern Oregon and they have indicated that they can accommodate additional students on early release Fridays and the calendar changes noted above. Please note that there is limited space available. **
Previously scheduled holidays, grading days, etc… would remain unaffected. (1/17/22; 2/21/22; 3/18/22; Spring Break 3/21-3/25; 4/22/22; & 5/30/22)
The days will provide critically needed work time for staff addressing COVID-related needs, accelerated student behavior issues and ongoing staffing shortages as well as their regular workload, so they can continue to make our schools safe and stable and serve students as well as possible.
While the district has been able to provide students with full-time, in-person learning, athletics, and extracurricular activities this year, the pandemic has led to additional workloads for staff. Health and safety protocols, staff shortages, substitute shortages and other stressors caused by the pandemic have taken a toll. This plan is intended to ease some of the strain on teachers and staff caused by the pandemic and help alleviate staff burnout.
Other districts have taken similar steps and we are hopeful that presenting these calendar changes now will give families enough time to prepare.
This calendar proposal is being shared and discussed at the school board meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2021. We are asking for feedback from our staff and families regarding these proposed adjustments to our schedule. A summary of the feedback submitted by Wednesday, December 8, 2021 will be shared with the board.