Jason Moore
JUN 07, 2022
Dear NBSD Students & Families,
North Bend School District is excited to offer summer meals again. We want to share some important changes that will happen with Summer Meal services this year. Changes include:
Parent(s)/ Guardians will no longer be able to pick up meals on behalf of their children
Students/participants must be present to receive a meal and remain onsite when consuming their meal (food items may not be allowed off site) and
Multiple meals will not be served at one meal service
While the impact of this change may affect each participant and their families differently, we remain committed to serving healthy meals in a safe and friendly environment.
Why the Changes?
Throughout the pandemic, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government agency that administers our summer meal program, waived many of the program requirements, offering flexibilities to meal service operations in an effort to serve participants safely and minimize exposure to COVID-19. Several of the current waivers offering flexibilities are set to expire in the near future. Due to the expiration of these waivers, participants can expect to experience some changes from last summer’s meal service.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about this change. Amey Moldt at 541-751-6778 or Gina Berrian at 541-751-6779.
For additional information to include summer food serving sites, please visit The Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs Summer Meals Map webpage.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.