Kevin Bogatin
AUG 17, 2022
North Bend Families,
I am excited to welcome you back to the 2022-2023 school year. I hope you had the opportunity this summer to spend quality time with loved ones and that you and your children are ready for the upcoming school year. It is going to be a great year!
The beginning of each school year is always time for reflection, preparation, and new beginnings. We will continue to focus on strengthening communication, building relationships, and working together to ensure that we have safe, welcoming, and student-focused schools.
Staff have been working all summer long to prepare for the upcoming school year and we are excited about the upcoming year.
Registration for all schools is now available online. A couple of years ago we moved to 100% online registration. For returning students simply login to your ParentVue account and start the registration process. If you need further guidance or are a new family to the district, more information can be found on our website.
We are excited to implement a NEW English Language Arts Curriculum in Grades K-8. An update to our curriculum is long overdue and our staff is excited to begin utilizing and teaching with these new tools in the fall.
New Math standards (ODE adopted in October, 2021) are being introduced for the first time in Oregon since 2010. The new standards can be reviewed on the ODE website. Our secondary schools will begin a mathematics curriculum adoption process in 2022-2023 with implementation planned for the fall of 2023. Elementary will look to update mathematics curriculum in 2024.
We are expanding our full-time licensed mental health support at the elementary level. In partnership with Coos Health & Wellness, we now have three mental health support positions in the district, one at the HS, one at the MS, and a shared position at the elementary level.
A new hybrid online option is available this fall in partnership with South Coast Educational Service District. This program is designed to offer personalized online & in-class options for students and families who haven’t returned to in-person instruction and some outreach and opportunities for families currently homeschooling. Students remain students of North Bend and will have access to school and district resources and programs that meet individual student and family needs. Additional information about this program option can be foundby clicking here.
Opening of Pacific House, a slightly off-campus new location for the North Bend Adult Transition Program. A special education program for our young adults ages 18-21 to adjust to post-high school life and transition to adulthood.
New STEM Elective at North Bend High School. This year NBHS will be offering a Natural Resource Management course.
A Drama elective returns to NBHS as an introduction to the theatrical arts.
New drainage for the Hillcrest Elementary playground to address ongoing water/flooding issues.
North Bend High School welcomes Mr. Chris Pendleton new Assistant Principal at NBHS.
As of August 4th, the district will be welcoming fourteen new certified staff across the district.
Did you know that the North Bend School District has an app? This is an easy way to get current news, see school events, review the lunch menu for the day, or connect with school or district staff. The Apple app can be downloaded by clicking here. The Android app can be downloaded at Google Play by clicking here.
Currently there are multiple classified openings for Education Assistants and we welcome interested applicants to apply. We look forward to this new group of educational support staff joining the team this fall!
The NBSD Board of Directors announced a vacancy at their August 4, 2022 meeting. If you know someone interested in serving on the school board for the 2022-2023 school year please invite them to email a letter of interest to both:
Board Chair Jim Jordan at (jim.jordan@nbend.k12.or.us) and
Board Secretary Aimee Elliott at (aelliott@nbend.k12.or.us)
by September 7, 2022. The board will be completing the appointment process at the September 15, 2022 board meeting.
We will also continue to prioritize school safety at all school sites. Each year, all staff receive training on safety procedures and response expectations for a variety of emergencies. Each school conducts regular emergency drills and we will continue to have a School Resource Officer (SRO) for the district, with an office at North Bend High School. The purpose of the SRO is to build relationships and respond in the event of a school emergency. COVID safety measures for the upcoming school year can be found on the NBSD website.
Please also consider supporting our school parent organizations, NBHS Booster Club, and other schools/classroom volunteer opportunities. Connecting with these organizations along with your student’s teachers, principals, counselors, and support personnel is critical to your child’s success in school. I am looking forward to seeing our students back on our campuses beginning on Wednesday, September 8th. I am confident that working together, we can make this school year a safe and positive experience for our students.
First Day of School:
Wednesday, September 7th for Grades 1-6 & 9
Thursday, September 8th for Grades 7-8 and 10-12
Friday, September 9th - First day of school for Kindergarten
** Reminder ** 2-Hour Early Release on Friday, Sept. 9th and every Friday this school year.
Proud to be a part of the North Bend School District.
Kevin Bogatin Superintendent
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