Tracy Lang
DEC 07, 2022
HOW WE DECIDE? The safety of North Bend School District students and staff is the primary consideration for any decision regarding closures, cancellations, and delayed starts. Additionally, the suitability of our facilities for occupation is thoughtfully considered as well as the condition of local infrastructure.
In any situation where safety may be compromised, District Office leadership work with appropriate District Departments and/or regional agencies to make informed decisions regarding risk factors.
WHO DECIDES? The Mid Columbia Bus Company, the Superintendent and district leadership will survey road conditions, evaluate the weather forecast and make any closure/late start decisions by 5:30 a.m.
DELAY OR CANCEL? If the weather is expected to improve but drive times may be slow, the district may opt for a two-hour delay. We always try to avoid canceling school midday.
HOW WILL YOU KNOW? The District utilizes FlashAlert.Net as one means of communication. This website gives you access to emergency messages, such as breaking news or snow closure information as well as news releases from participating organizations in several area states. Registration on this site is free and there is an option to receive information as an e-mail and/or a cell phone text message. To visit the website, direct your browser to the Flash Alert website.
Information about closures, cancellations, delayed starts or early releases will also be available via the district website, the district’s social media pages, email, autodialer calls, as well as local news stations and radio stations. The District also has an app available to download on the App Store or get it on Google Play